With the proposed new terms of service, where they own and could sell your photos and not ask or pay you, did you look for an alternative? Flickr released and update to both their IOS and Android apps, that included camera and filters. I have had a pro account with them for years but never really thought about using them as more then just for storage and client proofing. The app works great on both platforms, however the filters need some improvement to match what Instagram has. BUT for me I could use it to replace Instagram until I feel comfortable with them again... If I ever go back. I may use Snapseed (now free on both platforms) to tune a photo and then post thru Flickr until their filters get better. At least with Flickr I know where I stand with ownership of MY photos. As of this morning Instagram has backed off, and not implemented their new TOS after thousands (from what I am hearing) left Instagram in fear of having their personal photos sold for ads.
Shame on you Instagram.
If you needed revenue, charge me a fee for using you, don't steal. My photos are mine and if its a choice of my ownership or your service being pushed to the curb, get ready to taste the concrete.