Monday, September 29, 2003

and welcome to Monday.
I arrived to a dead phone system. the PBX appearantly didn't survive the power outage. so the solution... call our phone service company and...
1) un-wire the lines out of the PBX and have people get cordless phones form home and bring in. This leads to my room not only being loud from the fans blowing in cool air, the servers drives spinning, but now I also have the ringing of the base units.
2) get a new PBX and have installed... this arrives about 12:30 PM and installation beginning
to give teh guy access I have to dismantle the comm corner so that he can get to the wall.
3) installation complete, now the programming of the system begins... 3:00 PM
4) testing of the programming and the signing of the agreement to pay...
5) go home to a few rum and cokes.

Mondays and good times....

Sunday, September 28, 2003

Sunday is for sleeping... and I am learning to do it well... my wife is the greatest of teachers in this....

Saturday, September 27, 2003

what can I say.. I'm not at work and all is well. Wife out getting her hair done and running errants. I'm in doors and cleaning house. not the perfect day , but not bad either.

did I mention that the now infamous Airborne package arrived with my Windows Mobile 2003 software... only 8 days late.. fo Airborne and 2nd day delivery...

Installed the new mobile 2003 on the Axim and then begin installing programs again as the mobile 2003 like any OS install on a Pocket PC erases the ROM and replaces it with the new. there does seem to be an increase in speed. soft reboots are much faster. I did have a glitch with Omega One, Journal Bar's interent access. I quick look at the default settings and I find an option unchecked... "do not disconnect after syncronizing". seems the Activesync disconnects the PPC after syncing with outlook, and this is the time that Journal Bar starts getting data. So now all is well.

what did I very do with out an Axim....

BTW: don;t even start playing Jawbreaker... you just can't quit playing....
TGIF my butt. Okay I had made it through the day and was out to dinner with my lovely wife when... My cell phone rings...
7:30 PM EST...
Security company calling, you have a power outage at your office... CRAP!!! I am third in line on the call list. This means that the owner and his son have been called at home and on cell phones and could not be reached. If they got me on the cell then they have called me at the condo already. My server will be toast before I get there. And as I hang up the cell the the food arrives... The Owner's son-in-law is put on the task of sorting out the power problem as he was an electrician before getting married and working for us... He calls the power company to check things out.. Hours pass... I call to see what is happening...
9:00 PM EST..
nothing from the power company...
10:00 PM EST
nothing from the power company...
11:00 PM
he calls back the power company and they say they where out at 9:30 but forgot to call him back. Everything to up to the power meter checks out, so the trouble must be inside...
11:30 PM...
in the car on the way to the office... My room is full of UPS units bleeping the tones of death. most of the servers had already crashed before the first phone got to me. I start shutting down the UPSs.
The son-in-law arrives.. We start checking out all the obvious causes... Nothing. Flip the main breaker off and on.. Nothing. Some outlets have full power, some no power, and worse, some have half power. The light glow an eerie low orange. Finally outside to the meter... Its digital and does not have a reading... Call the power company.. No this is not normal, the driver we sent out should have checked all the way to the meter, we'll send out another truck.
1:15 AM EST - Saturday morning....
the truck arrives the guy looks at the meter and then fires up the bucket truck and starts inspecting the transformer on the power.. Then the fuse links on serveral powers, then drives down the road using a spotlight to trace the wires... And finds the problem.. A palm tree two blocks away shorted one of the phases coming into the building., we are getting only two of three phases, hence the strange power in the building. He replaces the fuses and the power fully comes back on...
2:00 AM...
spin all the servers back up one by one. DC first and the the RAID servers, all 7 of them. Next the exchange server... And it will not boot. It has a config error and can only be fixed by going into the BIOS... But is will not see the KVM. Pull it from tea rack and fix. This time is boots and we have email again...
2:30 AM...
go home and die...

and that's how we have an IT night on the town...

Friday, September 26, 2003

TGIF to all reading this. Thankfully this week is drawing quickly to an end. Upside... The new RAID hardware design works nicely. Doing a RAID 5 build as I am writing this. Downside... Airborne still has not arrived with my package containing Mobile 2003 for my Axim... It now shipped 8 days ago via 2nd day air... Go Airborne...
So tonight a little rum, a little hypnotiq and a good meal with the wife. I've been married now for almost 8 years and still can't get enough of her. She's a very special girl to put up with a geek like me.

Build just finished so I must get onto the next phase. In two hours of formatting 2 terabyes will be added to the network. That should hold me for another 6 weeks...

Thursday, September 25, 2003

Did I tell you that my Mom works where I do... She was hired here about 3 months ago. While she had been out of work for about 6 months, when asked if it was okay, I said "sure". Thinking that it would be this or her moving onto my couch in the near future, that this was the lesser of two evils. That was then, this is now. She arrived in my office as I was spinning up the network status scans. More of the in-office gossip..., more of the family gossip..., more of who passed her condo window..., she's been single far to long. To quote an 70/80s band Styx "Too much time on her hands". She's been single since the divorce back in 1973. Not that she would let her "control freak" personality down long enough to let a man get near her. Just another day in paradise... Florida = pay in sunshine not money. So in short, its going to be 90 again today and I may earn enough to afford a Big Mac... ;->
And lastly this morning,

For those of you that are wondering about the name "the MoleHole". My senior year I had one half a credit needed to Graduate. And that was the year they decided not one could graduate early... so I took my first not extra credit elective... Graphic Arts. I was already in love with photography, and this just made it worse. spent all my time in teh darkroom skipping any class that I did not need to graduate. after serveral hours in teh dark I would come out with squinted eyes and earned the nickname "MoleMan" and the darkroom became the "The MoleHole". and it has stuck to this day... though photography has taken a back seat to computers. more on where to see some of my photos on the web later. Right now the site is full of family shots and not "real" pics.

Have a good day all. We've made it pass the hump and are on teh slide down to the weekend.
besides it T-minus 14 days till vacation... the office is already sweating it, as I am the only IT person in teh building...


now for some good news....

Today I the construction of my newest rackmount RAID design. 2 TeraBytes of RAID 5 in a 2U case. for those of you not familiar with TeraBytes... thats 1000 Gigs per Tera. The ystem itself is being built with 2 Xeon 2.66 GHz processors, 533 FSB and a 1 GB of DDR RAM. It will be the newest of 7 RAIDs in my rack at work. As of last Friday I have 140 million public records documents for the State of Florida housed on them. If there are not more major problems, like yesteday, got greet upon arrvial at work to a smoke filled building. An AC unit have shorted and the fan motor had smoked and died, I should hav ehte system up, Windows 2003 Server installed an the RAID formatting. the end result will be 2 TB in RAID 5 with a hot spare. SWEET!!!
The pain of just getting Mobile 2003 delivered

First Sorry but I have to rant somewhere. After ordering and waiting fo rmonths for Dell to ship, I was surprised by a phone call telling me it was on its way. I eagerly logged into my account and there was an airbill number ... and on the Airborne site a notice that there had been a delivery attempt (no one home to sign). A quick phone call.. Dell truncated my address and dropped my Apt #. Corrected via the phone call. I got home.. quick distress, no we missed you slip on the door. hit the Airborne website... Delivered? It's not here, but there was package from UPS... Back on phone with Airborne. Yes they delivered it to the front door of the house..? I live in a condo... to what address.. why 123..., mine is 213... we will pickup and redelivery on Monday... again the website said delivered again... and still no package. One driver picked it up and another deliveried back again. Another phone call to Airborne.. now I have my own personal account rep helping. Ahh the real troulbe, in teh process of updating for the missing Apt #, the "tech support" altered my address from 213 to 123. Correction accomplished... Tuesday.. no package... call again, couldn't find anyone at home to get package back from, Wednesday and still no package... Airborne suggests that since I live close, maybe I could go get it... And I paid for 2nd day air... Now its Thursday morning and I have the feeling that the package will still not be here. I have a few side jobs to do today before getting home so I will not be able to make my daily phone call to Airborne today.

between Dell and Airborne I am starting to like PPC 2002

Did a backup again last night... maybe I'll have it today... could have had it shipped ground and saved the money, 2nd day has now slipped to 7 day...

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

SO a little about what I hope to accomplish with this Blog and maybe a little about me.

1) my spelling is horrible. just ask those I IM daily. But I will try to work on it.
2) just turned 39... large laugh from my wife as she counts down the days until I awake with lillys on my chest at 40
3) I am an a major fan of the Dell Axim X5 PPC ( see )
4) I am every company employee's nightmare... The Network Administrator, not Nick Burns, but more along the line of "Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie". You just won't believe the things that users will do and try to hide.
5) Music.. Jimmy Eat World, Norah Jones, Nerf Herder, Sarah McLachlan , Catch 22 and the current favorite... Streetlight Manifesto
6) Movies... Matrix = great, Matrix Reloaded = average, Spiderman = fantastic, Daredevil = what were they thinking... more later

And tomorrow, if all goes well, I 'll post the long tired story of an Axim X5, Mobile 2003 for PPC, Dell patches and repatches, Airborne 2nd day delivery and hopefully the final delivery 7 days later...
this is just a test.. for the moment