Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Geek TV Talk

Geek TV Talk:
I have found to my joy, that there are several TV shows running that provide entertainment to my liking.  The quick list that comes to mind contains:
Battlestar Galatica – a full featured Sci-Fi, must see each week
Stargate SG-1 – campy fun Sci-Fi, better since Ben Browder, formerly of Farscape,  has joined the cast.
Stargate Atlantis – some camp, more story
Surface – humor, light weight story
Invasion – X-files with a much lower suspense level.
Threshold – gone but not forgotten.  Good story line, to easy enough for the general public so was canceled
House – sideways thinking and medical.  My only other must see.  Even like the reruns.
Grey’s Anatomy – somewhere between ER and Scrubs.  
24 – good story line, but just not what it was in the 1st season
Monk – good, simple whodunit with comedy, easy to watch
Numb3rs – Today’s FBI meets a mathematician.  Great to understand just how math can be applied to everyday life.  If this had been on when I was in school my grades would have been better in math.

Best of all for TV, my DVR.  Never am I glued to a schedule to see my shows.  TV when I want, if I want.  



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